Great things about Adult Children: Millennials

The prof and I were born on the tip of the tail of the baby boomers, and our children fall into the Millenials or Gen Y. I love this generation.

As number of social researchers have pointed out, they have a distinctly high social barometer, are civic-minded, and quite optimistic about the future, particularly their own. They are the most well-educated generation, most connected, most self-expressed and most hesitant to commit early to a job or relationship. It has been said that they work to live, not, as some previous generations have been accused, do they live to work. Perhaps this is a subliminal function of the fact that they have a greater life expectancy, and most likely, in better health.

Perhaps they genuinely feel there is time to experiment, time to be mobile and flexible in their career choices. My two certainly have high expectations of their job and career, and job satisfaction and mobility is quite high on their list. We applaud this, while at the same time, steering their independence and decision-making with the benefit (hopefully!) of our wisdom and life experience.

I love listening to their dreams, hopes and desires. They are so optimistic, and adventurous. Living away from home they have developed a level of confidence and self-assurance that is inspiring to witness.

The other remarkable think about this generation, is that I do not perceive a generation gap. It is not that we are their friends, as such, I firmly believe that the best I can do for my two is to be their parent, not pretend to be a friend, but there is a closeness in our relationship, and willingness to share, that I did not experience with my own parents. As a result we have some wonderful times together that allow us to be part of each others lives.